According to listening expert, Corine Jansen, Director & Chair, Global Listening Board, “Women tend to understand the emotional parts of messages more effectively than men.  This is probably because research indicates that women process messages on both side of the brain more so than men.Men tend to process more on the left side of the brain & emotional information is processed on the right side. According to Larry Barker & Kittie Watson, authors of the book “Listen Up,” men & women typically employ different listening styles. 

Men are more likely to be:

  • Action-oriented listeners, which means they focus on listening to information pertinent to the task at hand. They tend to compartmentalize their thoughts. Action-oriented listeners have little patience for speakers who ramble off topic or include unnecessary details. 
  • Women are more likely to be people-oriented listeners. They connect with the emotional message & undertones of a conversation & and are more concerned with the occurrence of the conversation than with the pertinent information discuss
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