I’ve blogged and talked about how important learning to listen is and not just hearing what others are saying. However, communicating with your clients, it’s vital. Critical listening helps you understand what your client’s goals and objectives are, so you can proceed to give them what they want and make them happy. Critical listening is […]

Today, I want to define mansplaining and briefly discuss and explain its effect on WomenSpeak. “The explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing” ‘your response is classic mansplaining’ ” (Oxford Languages) Here are a couple of Mansplaining examples: “My least favorite player was Donnie, […]

Women cannot do everything by themselves.  In order for them to move forward in today’s workplace setting, it’s imperative that we find a way for men to be a positive part of acknowledging WomenSpeakWEBSITE WOMENSPEAK OVERVIEW 71322.pdf and working with each other to eliminate those negatives which cause women so much angst. By doing so, […]

Almost every speaker has a few jitters before they begin their speech or presentation. I almost always ask a question to the audience somewhere in my introduction. This immediately takes the pressure off of the speaker as she/he has to focus on something else, creating a distraction from his or her present feelings. Try it […]

Often, I like to discuss media coverage in my media business classes. There are a few important elements that can help you receive positive media coverage. Take a look at this link and see if they work for you. https://mediatude.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Updated-MediatudeCorporate-Voice-Public-Perception-Definitions-6622-1.pdf Here are a couple of examples of positive & negative mediatude examples. https://mediatude.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Tom-Izzo-says-college-coaches-worried_-Are-kids-all-in_.pdf https://mediatude.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Dallas-Cowboys-Dak-Prescott-apologizes-for-comments-about-fans-throwing-objects-at-officials.pdf     […]

Hello, this is my newly updated website, Mediatude. You will see new content here when I have something to blog about. Sometimes, there will be links, maybe a video or even articles I find interesting, and hope you do, too. Currently, I have two online classes on my Shop menu and plan to add more […]

According to listening expert, Corine Jansen, Director & Chair, Global Listening Board, “Women tend to understand the emotional parts of messages more effectively than men.  This is probably because research indicates that women process messages on both side of the brain more so than men.Men tend to process more on the left side of the […]