I can’t think of how many times I’ve thought to myself when reading someone’s tweet or post, or even hearing someone say something and I think to myself, “Oh, no you didn’t really say or post that!”  Yet it happens more often than not that people don’t think before they say or post something. So […]

Remember you’re the star in a presentation, not your powerpoint slide. Focus on your audience and be sure to face them and not turn back frequently to look at your slide. If you want to look at the slide occasionally or use the pointer, be sure to open your shoulders so you’re not closing off […]

One of the most influencing factors in WomenSpeak are women’s negative verbal and non-verbal patterns that many women don’t even realize they’re using. Here are 12 patterns that can undermine your confidence and positive thinking in the workplace and elsewhere. https://mediatude.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/WomenSpeak-Negative-Patterns.pdf

With so many corporate voices showcasing themselves over the past couple of weeks (Gingrich, Romney, Giants, Patriots, Wendy’s, Tiger),  it’s a good time to remind everyone that your corporate voice can be ever changing and only you have the power to manage it. Your corporate voice is your personality made up of your values, philosophies, […]

Sad news today about the death of Joe Paterno–the coach who won more games than anyone in NCAA football history and until recently one of the most revered and respected college football coaches around. His passing made me think of how he will be remembered and how a corporate voice is so much a part of who you are, your morals, philosophies, […]

Last Monday’s news about former Ohio State University’s Coach Tressel resigning created a lot of  phone calls, texts and emails for me.  One big reason is I received my graduate degree from The University of Michigan and if you didn’t know, we have quite a football rivalry with that school to the south. For awhile, I was […]

In the world of professional sports, it’s often hard to write about positive corporate voices and positive mediatude.  But for Detroit Tigers’ Justin Verlander, it’s easy.  Verlander had his second no-hitter (which is a feat in itself) for the Detroit Tigers on Saturday.  In fact, he was almost perfect–he walked one batter in the eighth inning–and […]

Over the last few weeks, there have been a plethora of corporate voices in the news.  Some of those corporate voices were covered with positive mediatude, some not.  Some added more trouble to their current corporate voices like Brett Favre.  He’s been in the news since the summer when he was still “deciding” if he’d come back […]