It was interesting yesterday watching a fantastic Masters golf tournament with all the players, situations, and golf shots you dream about.  For me, there was also another side to watch:  the coverage of the tournament.  At times, it was dramatically overplayed to keep hearing how great it was “to have Tiger back”, or references of “thanking him for being there”.  Others have some of these same feelings.  Check out Twitter: @Mediatude for that story. 

Now, I understand that CBS and ESPN have huge TV deals to cover these tournaments, but I can’t help but wonder how Johnny Miller would have been as the main commentator for yesterday’s final round.   I always find him to say what he thinks in a way that relates very well to the viewer; there is not a lot of sugar coating from him.  To me, he’s a fresh breath of air not bending to the upper echelon of TV executives who don’t want to do anything to “rock the boat” of money they have invested.  There is a difference of “rocking the boat” and drooling over the fact that Tiger is back while spinning the return like Tiger was the victim.  Tiger is good for golf and I respect him as a golfer.  So, cover him just as a golfer.   Report the facts with an occasional interesting sidebar here and there.     We can see what is happening on the course and observe the non-verbal behavior of the golfers.    Now that would be a truly enjoyable broadcast.

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