With so many corporate voices showcasing themselves over the past couple of weeks (Gingrich, Romney, Giants, Patriots, Wendy’s, Tiger),  it’s a good time to remind everyone that your corporate voice can be ever changing and only you have the power to manage it.

Your corporate voice is your personality made up of your values, philosophies, beliefs and whatever else makes “you”, you. Throughout your life, there will be times when your corporate voice may shift a bit in one direction or another; but, the foundation of your corporate voice will remain the same.  It is this area where many of us have to adjust and understand the influence our corporate voice has on others’ perceptions.  Just take a look at the current  2012 election campaign–those who understand their corporate voice will find it much easier to reach their goal.

Another reason to keep your corporate voice in check, understand why it is such an important part of who you are and know how and when to manage it.

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